15 Best Egg Substitute For Burgers (Eggless Burgers)

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Burgers are an all-time favorite, whether you’re a meat lover or prefer plant-based options. They’re versatile, customizable, and perfect for gatherings or weeknight dinners. But what if you’re looking to make burgers without eggs? 

Whether you have dietary restrictions, allergies, or ethical concerns, there are plenty of egg substitutes that can transform your burger recipes into delicious and satisfying meals. 

In this guide, I’ll delve into the world of egg substitutes for burgers, offering you flavorful and healthy choices to elevate your burger game.

Best Egg Substitute For Burgers – 15 Options For You

When it comes to substituting eggs in burger recipes, there are several options available, each with its own unique properties. 

Here are some of the best egg substitutes for burgers along with additional information: 

egg substitutes for burgers

Flaxseed or Chia Seed Gel

Flaxseed and chia seed gels act as excellent binders due to their high fiber and omega-3 fatty acid content. They provide a slight nutty flavor and work well in veggie or bean-based burger patties.

How to Make: Mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds or chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until it thickens to a gel-like consistency.

Silken Tofu

Silken tofu adds moisture and a creamy texture to burgers. It’s an excellent choice for vegan burgers and adds a mild soybean flavor.

How to Use: Blend 1/4 cup of silken tofu until smooth, and use it as a replacement for one egg.

Mashed Banana

Mashed banana not only adds natural sweetness but also helps bind ingredients together in sweet or fruit-infused burger recipes. It’s not suitable for savory burgers.

How to Use: Mash 1/4 cup of ripe banana and use it as a substitute for one egg.

Yogurt or Buttermilk

Yogurt and buttermilk add moisture and a subtle tangy flavor to your burger mixture. They work well in both meat-based and vegetarian burger recipes.

How to Use: Use 1/4 cup of plain yogurt or buttermilk for each egg you want to replace.

Commercial Egg Replacers

There are various commercial egg replacers available, such as Ener-G, Bob’s Red Mill, or Follow Your Heart VeganEgg. These products are designed specifically for vegan baking and cooking and can be used in burgers for binding and moisture

How to Use: Follow the instructions on the packaging to replace eggs with commercial egg replacers.

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Potato Starch or Potato Flakes

Potato starch and flakes are excellent binding agents and help give burgers a tender texture. They have a neutral flavor and work well in a variety of burger recipes.

How to Use: Mix 2 tablespoons of potato starch or potato flakes with enough water to create a thick paste, and use it as a replacement for one egg.

Aquafaba (Chickpea Brine)

Aquafaba is an incredible egg substitute with binding and leavening properties. It creates light and airy burgers and is especially useful in recipes where you want a fluffier texture.

How to Use: Whip 3 tablespoons of aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) until it reaches a frothy consistency, and use it as a replacement for one egg.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast adds a cheesy, savory flavor to your burgers while providing a bit of binding action. It’s a great option for enhancing the umami profile of plant-based burgers.

How to Use: Mix 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast with 2 tablespoons of water to form a paste, and use it as a substitute for one egg.


Applesauce adds moisture and a mild sweetness to your burger mixture. It’s an excellent choice for turkey or chicken burgers and can also be used in vegetarian recipes.

How to Use: Replace each egg with 1/4 cup of unsweetened applesauce.

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Cornstarch or Arrowroot Powder

Cornstarch and arrowroot are effective at binding ingredients and can help thicken the burger mixture. They are neutral in flavor and work well in most burger recipes.

How to Use: Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch or arrowroot powder with 2 tablespoons of water, and use it as a substitute for one egg.

Mashed Avocado

Mashed avocado adds healthy fats, creaminess, and moisture to your burger mixture. It’s an excellent substitute for veggie or black bean burgers and imparts a mild avocado flavor.

How to Use: Mash 1/4 cup of ripe avocado and use it as a replacement for one egg.

Pureed Pumpkin or Sweet Potato

Pureed pumpkin or sweet potato adds natural sweetness, moisture, and a hint of earthy flavor to your burgers. These options work particularly well in fall-inspired burger recipes.

How to Use: Puree 1/4 cup of cooked pumpkin or sweet potato and use it as a substitute for one egg.

Vinegar and Baking Powder

This combination creates a leavening effect, making your burgers fluffier. It works best in recipes where a slight rise in the patty is desired, such as in certain vegan burger recipes.

How to Use: Mix 1 tablespoon of white or apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of baking powder and use it as a substitute for one egg.

Soy Yogurt or Almond Yogurt

Plant-based yogurts add creaminess and moisture to your burger mixture. They also provide a slightly tangy flavor, making them suitable for vegan burger recipes.

How to Use: Use 1/4 cup of soy yogurt or almond yogurt for each egg you want to replace.

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Panko Breadcrumbs

This mixture serves as a binder and helps hold the burger ingredients together. It’s an excellent choice for meat-based burgers and gives a slight crunch to the texture.

How to Use: Combine 2 tablespoons of panko breadcrumbs with 2 tablespoons of water and use it as a replacement for one egg.

These additional egg substitutes offer a variety of flavors and textures to suit different burger recipes and dietary preferences. 

When selecting an egg substitute, consider the desired outcome of your burger and the ingredients you’re working with to achieve the best results.

How to choose the best egg substitute for burgers

Choosing the best egg substitute for burgers depends on your dietary preferences, the type of burger you’re making, and the specific qualities you want in your burger. 

Here are some steps to help you select the right egg substitute:

Consider Your Dietary Needs:

  • Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, you’ll want to choose a plant-based egg substitute.
  • Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? Ensure the substitute you select is safe for your specific needs.

Understand the Purpose of Eggs:

  • Eggs in burger recipes serve as binders, providing structure and helping the ingredients hold together. They also add moisture and contribute to the texture.

Think About Flavor and Texture:

  • Some egg substitutes, like mashed banana or applesauce, may impart a hint of sweetness and change the texture of your burger. Consider whether this aligns with your desired flavor profile.

Experiment Based on the Recipe:

The type of burger you’re making can influence your choice of egg substitute. For example:

  • For veggie or black bean burgers, options like flaxseed or chia seed gel, mashed avocado, or commercial egg replacers work well.
  • For meat-based burgers, breadcrumbs or even grated cheese can serve as effective binders.

Consider Allergies and Sensitivities:

  • If you or your guests have allergies to specific ingredients used in egg substitutes (e.g., nuts, seeds), be sure to choose a substitute that avoids those allergens.

Consider the Overall Burger Ingredients:

  • Take into account all the ingredients in your burger recipe. Some substitutes may complement or clash with the other flavors and textures.
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How do you bind burgers without eggs?

You can bind burgers without using eggs by using alternative ingredients and techniques. Eggs are commonly used as binders in burger recipes to help hold the ingredients together and provide moisture. Here are several egg-free binding options and tips:

Breadcrumb Binders: Use dry bread crumbs or panko breadcrumbs to help bind the ingredients. Mix the breadcrumbs with a small amount of liquid (such as water, broth, or milk) to create a paste. Add this mixture to your burger ingredients.

Mashed Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes: Cook and mash potatoes until they are smooth, then incorporate them into your burger mixture. This not only adds moisture but also acts as a binder.

Mashed Beans or Legumes: Mash cooked beans (e.g., black beans, lentils) and add them to your burger mixture. They not only provide moisture and binding but also contribute to the burger’s texture and flavor.

Nut Butters: Nut butters like peanut or almond butter can act as effective binders and add richness to your burger mixture. Start with a small amount and adjust to your desired consistency.

Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream: Dairy or non-dairy yogurt and sour cream can be used to add moisture and binding properties to your burgers. They work well in both meat-based and vegetarian burger recipes.

Tomato Paste or Ketchup: Tomato-based condiments like tomato paste or ketchup can help bind ingredients together while adding flavor. Use them in moderation to avoid making the mixture too wet.

Cooking Techniques: Properly handling and shaping your burger patties can also help with binding. Make sure to press the patties firmly when forming them, which will help the ingredients stick together.

Chill the Mixture: After you’ve prepared the burger mixture, refrigerate it for a while before forming the patties. This can help the ingredients bind more effectively.

Use Ingredients That Naturally Bind: Some ingredients, such as cheese, grated vegetables (like carrots or zucchini), and oats, have natural binding properties and can be added to your burger mixture.

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Can you make burgers without egg?

Yes, you can absolutely make burgers without eggs. Eggs are often used in burger recipes as binders to help hold the ingredients together and add moisture, but there are several effective egg-free alternatives to achieve the same results. 

Here’s how to make burgers without eggs:


  • Ground meat (e.g., beef, turkey, chicken, pork) or plant-based alternatives (e.g., beans, mushrooms, tofu)
  • Binders (as I mentioned above):
  • Cheese (for added flavor and binding)
  • Seasonings and flavorings (e.g., onions, garlic, herbs, spices)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Prepare Your Burger Mixture: Start with your choice of ground meat or plant-based alternatives. Place them in a mixing bowl.

Choose Your Binder: Select one or a combination of binders from the list above. The amount you use will depend on the quantity of meat or plant-based ingredients. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until you achieve the desired texture and moisture level.

Add Seasonings and Flavorings: Incorporate your preferred seasonings and flavorings into the mixture. This can include minced onions, garlic, herbs, spices, and any other seasonings you enjoy. Adjust to taste.

Mix Thoroughly: Use your hands or a spoon to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Make sure the binders are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Shape the Burger Patties: Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape them into burger patties. Press them firmly to help them hold their shape.

Cook Your Burgers: You can cook your burgers on a grill, stovetop, or in the oven, depending on your preference and the type of burger you’re making. Follow your chosen cooking method’s instructions and adjust the cooking time based on the thickness of your patties.

Serve and Enjoy: Once your burgers are cooked to your desired level of doneness, serve them on buns with your favorite toppings, such as lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, condiments, and more.

Making burgers without eggs is not only possible but also allows for a wide range of creativity in terms of flavors and textures. 

You can customize your burgers to suit your dietary preferences and taste preferences, whether you’re making traditional meat burgers or plant-based alternatives.

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What is the purpose of eggs in burger recipes, and why would I need a substitute?

Eggs serve several important purposes in burger recipes, and understanding these functions can help you determine why you might need a substitute:

Binding: Eggs act as binders, helping to hold the ingredients in a burger patty together. When the proteins in eggs coagulate during cooking, they form a network that binds the other ingredients, preventing the patty from falling apart.

Moisture: Eggs contribute moisture to the burger mixture. This added moisture helps keep the patties juicy and prevents them from becoming dry and crumbly during cooking.

Texture: Eggs can influence the texture of the burger. They can make the patty more tender and less dense, contributing to a lighter and more pleasing mouthfeel.

Flavor: While eggs themselves don’t typically provide a strong flavor, they can enhance the overall taste of the burger by helping to marry and distribute the flavors of the other ingredients.

Now, there are several reasons why you might need a substitute for eggs in burger recipes:

Dietary Restrictions: If you have dietary restrictions or allergies that prevent you from consuming eggs, you’ll need an alternative to maintain your dietary preferences or accommodate your health needs.

Vegan or Vegetarian Preferences: Many people follow vegan or vegetarian diets and avoid animal products like eggs. In this case, you’ll want to use plant-based substitutes to make burgers that align with your dietary choices.

Ethical or Environmental Concerns: Some individuals choose to avoid eggs due to concerns about the treatment of animals in the egg industry or for environmental reasons. They opt for plant-based alternatives to minimize their impact.

Cholesterol Concerns: Eggs are relatively high in cholesterol. If you’re watching your cholesterol intake, you may want to use a lower-cholesterol or cholesterol-free alternative in your burgers.

Ingredient Availability: Sometimes, you might simply run out of eggs or prefer not to use them for practical reasons, such as reducing food waste.

Overall, the need for an egg substitute in burger recipes typically arises from dietary, ethical, health, or practical considerations. The choice of substitute will depend on your specific requirements and preferences.

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Are there health benefits to using egg substitutes in burgers?

Yes, there can be health benefits to using egg substitutes in burgers, especially when considering specific dietary and health goals. Here are some potential health benefits:

Cholesterol Reduction: Eggs are relatively high in cholesterol, and using egg substitutes can help reduce the cholesterol content of your burgers. This can be beneficial for individuals with high cholesterol levels or those looking to maintain heart health.

Lower Saturated Fat: Some egg substitutes, especially plant-based options like mashed beans, legumes, or vegetables, are lower in saturated fat compared to eggs. Reducing saturated fat intake can be beneficial for heart health.

Vegan and Vegetarian Diets: Plant-based egg substitutes are suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets, which are associated with various health benefits, including a lower risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain cancers.

Food Allergies: For individuals with egg allergies, using egg substitutes eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction, making the burgers a safer option.

Lactose Intolerance: Many egg substitutes are dairy-free, making them suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance.

Reduced Caloric Intake: Depending on the type of egg substitute used, it can help reduce the calorie content of your burgers, which can be advantageous for those watching their calorie intake.

Increased Fiber and Nutrient Content: Some egg substitutes, like mashed vegetables or legumes, add fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your burger, contributing to better overall nutrition.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations: Plant-based egg substitutes align with ethical and environmental concerns for individuals who prefer not to consume animal products. Choosing these substitutes can support sustainable and cruelty-free food choices.

It’s important to note that the health benefits of using egg substitutes may vary depending on the specific substitute chosen and the overall composition of your burger recipe. 

For the most healthful results, select egg substitutes that align with your dietary goals and consider the nutritional profile of your entire burger recipe, including the choice of protein, vegetables, and seasonings.

Can I use the same egg substitute for both meat-based and vegetarian burger recipes?

Yes, you can often use the same egg substitutes for both meat-based and vegetarian burger recipes. Many egg substitutes work well in both types of recipes because they serve primarily as binders and moisture enhancers. 

While most egg substitutes are neutral in flavor, some, like mashed banana or applesauce, may impart a subtle sweetness that might be more suitable for vegetarian or plant-based burger recipes. 

Make sure the flavor of your chosen egg substitute complements the other ingredients in your burger.

Consider the overall texture you want to achieve in your burger. Meat-based burgers may benefit from ingredients that provide a firmer binding, while vegetarian burgers made from beans, grains, or vegetables may be more forgiving in terms of texture.

Can I use more than one egg substitute in a single burger recipe?

Yes, you can use more than one egg substitute in a single burger recipe if it helps achieve the desired texture and flavor. Mixing different egg substitutes can provide a balance of binding, moisture, and taste characteristics. 

However, it’s essential to consider how the combination will affect your burger. Here are a few considerations:

Compatibility: Ensure that the egg substitutes you choose are compatible in terms of flavor and texture. Combining ingredients with conflicting flavors or binding properties may lead to an undesirable outcome.

Proportion: Experiment with the proportion of each substitute to find the right balance. Start with smaller amounts of each and gradually adjust until you achieve the desired consistency and taste.

Recipe Adaptation: Be prepared to adjust other ingredients in your recipe to accommodate the changes in texture and flavor resulting from the combination of egg substitutes.

Testing: Before making a large batch of burgers, consider making a smaller test batch to evaluate the flavor and texture of the burgers when using multiple egg substitutes.

For example, you might use a combination of mashed beans and breadcrumbs to achieve both binding and moisture in a vegetarian burger. In another recipe, you could mix flaxseed gel with grated vegetables to enhance both binding and texture. 

Do I need to adjust the cooking time or temperature when using egg substitutes in burgers?

When using egg substitutes in burgers, you may not need to make significant adjustments to the cooking time or temperature compared to traditional recipes that include eggs. However, there are some factors to consider:

Burger Thickness: The cooking time for burgers can vary based on their thickness. Thicker burgers generally require more time to cook thoroughly. Ensure your burgers are of uniform thickness to promote even cooking.

Ingredients: The specific egg substitute you use and the other ingredients in your burger can influence cooking time. For instance, plant-based or vegetarian burgers may require slightly less cooking time than meat-based ones.

Stovetop vs. Grill vs. Oven: The cooking method you choose can also affect the cooking time. Grilling may result in shorter cooking times due to higher heat, while baking in the oven may require longer cooking times at a lower temperature.

Visual and Internal Clues: To determine when your burgers are done, rely on visual and internal cues. Burgers should have a nicely browned exterior and reach a safe internal temperature (160°F or 71°C for ground meat) or the appropriate temperature for your specific recipe.

Thorough Cooking: Regardless of the egg substitute, it’s crucial to ensure that your burgers are cooked thoroughly to prevent foodborne illness. Check the doneness by using a meat thermometer or cutting a burger open to ensure there are no raw or pink areas inside.

In summary, while using egg substitutes in burgers may not require significant changes to cooking time or temperature, it’s essential to monitor your burgers closely and rely on visual and internal cues to ensure they are cooked to the desired level of doneness and safety. 

The specific cooking adjustments, if any, will depend on the individual recipe and cooking method you’re using.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using egg substitutes in burger recipes?

Using egg substitutes in burger recipes can be a successful and satisfying experience, but there are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure your burgers turn out as expected. 

Here are several mistakes and tips to help you achieve the best results:

Not Adjusting the Consistency: Different egg substitutes have varying moisture levels and binding properties. It’s essential to adjust the overall consistency of your burger mixture to account for these differences. 

If your mixture is too wet, add more dry ingredients like breadcrumbs. If it’s too dry, add a bit more of the egg substitute or a liquid component.

Using Incompatible Flavors: Some egg substitutes, like mashed banana or applesauce, can impart sweetness to your burgers. 

Be mindful of the flavor compatibility with the other ingredients in your recipe. Sweet substitutes may work well in certain recipes but not in others.

Overmixing: Overmixing the burger mixture, whether you’re using eggs or substitutes, can lead to a dense and tough texture. Mix until the ingredients are just combined to maintain a desirable burger texture.

Not Properly Seasoning: Eggs often contribute to the overall flavor of burgers. When using egg substitutes, you may need to adjust and season your burgers more aggressively to ensure they’re well-seasoned and flavorful.

Skipping Refrigeration: After forming the burger patties, it’s a good practice to refrigerate them for a brief period (15-30 minutes) before cooking. This helps the patties hold their shape better during cooking.

Choosing the Wrong Substitute for the Recipe: Not all egg substitutes work well in every burger recipe. Consider the ingredients in your specific recipe and choose an egg substitute that complements them in terms of taste and texture.

Not Testing the Mixture: Before cooking a large batch of burgers, consider making a small test patty to evaluate the taste and texture. Adjust the seasonings or egg substitute as needed based on your test results.

Undercooking: Ensure your burgers are cooked thoroughly to reach a safe internal temperature, especially if you’re making meat-based burgers. Use a meat thermometer to check doneness.

Using Excessive Heat: Cooking burgers at too high a heat can lead to burning on the outside while the inside remains undercooked. Opt for medium-high heat and monitor the cooking process closely.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following proper cooking and handling techniques, you can create delicious burgers using egg substitutes that are flavorful and satisfying.


Egg substitutes for burgers open up a world of culinary possibilities, allowing you to cater to various dietary needs and preferences while still savoring the joy of a delicious burger. Whether you’re aiming for a vegan masterpiece or a heart-healthy option, these substitutes can help you create flavorful and satisfying burgers that everyone can enjoy. So, go ahead, get creative, and let your burger-making adventures begin!

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