How to Fix Undercooked Rice in Instant Pot? Simple Steps

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Cooking rice in an Instant Pot has become a popular choice for busy individuals seeking a quick and convenient way to prepare this staple food.

However, even with the best intentions, it’s not uncommon to end up with undercooked rice when using this versatile kitchen appliance.

If you’ve ever found yourself faced with the disappointment of crunchy or partially cooked grains, fear not!

In this guide, we’ll explore effective methods to fix undercooked rice in your Instant Pot and ensure a perfectly fluffy outcome every time.

How To Know Rice Is Undercooked In Rice Cooker? 

Identifying undercooked rice in a rice cooker is crucial to ensuring that you serve perfectly cooked and delicious rice.

Here are some signs and indicators to help you determine if your rice is undercooked:


The most obvious indicator of undercooked rice is its texture. When rice is not fully cooked, it tends to be hard, crunchy, or have a slightly chewy texture. Ideally, well-cooked rice should be tender and have a fluffy consistency.

Visual Inspection:

Take a close look at the rice. If you notice that the grains are still separated and look translucent in the center, they are likely undercooked. Fully cooked rice should have absorbed the liquid and become plump and opaque.

Water Residue:

Lift a spoonful of rice from the top layer and check for any remaining water or excessive moisture.

Undercooked rice may still have visible water or appear wet, indicating that the grains haven’t absorbed enough liquid during the cooking process.

Sticky or Clumpy Texture:

While sticky rice is desirable in some dishes, undercooked rice can have a sticky and clumpy texture that is unappealing.

If the rice grains are sticking together excessively and feel gummy, it’s a sign that they haven’t fully cooked and separated.

Taste Test:

If you suspect that your rice might be undercooked, take a small taste. Undercooked rice lacks the pleasant, fully-cooked flavor and may have a starchy or raw taste.

Well-cooked rice, on the other hand, should be flavorful and free from any raw or unpleasant aftertaste.

Check the Bottom Layer:

Sometimes, the top layer of rice in the cooker may appear cooked, but the bottom layer may still be underdone.

Use a spoon to gently check the rice at the bottom of the cooker to ensure even cooking.

Check Cooker Settings and Timer:

Double-check the settings on your rice cooker. If you find that the rice is consistently undercooked, it may be an issue with the cooking time or temperature settings.

Adjusting these settings based on your rice cooker’s instructions can make a significant difference.


If you notice excess steam escaping when you open the rice cooker, it could be an indication that the rice needs more cooking time.

The steam is a sign that the rice is still releasing moisture and hasn’t completed the cooking process.

By paying attention to these signs and performing a visual and taste test, you can easily determine if your rice is undercooked in a rice cooker.

Adjusting the cooking time or making necessary modifications to your rice-to-water ratio can help you achieve perfectly cooked rice with each use of your rice cooker.

How to Fix Undercooked Rice in Instant Pot – Quick Fixes

If your rice is undercooked and you’re in need of a quick fix, adding hot water is a simple solution.

  • Start by measuring out the amount of undercooked rice in your Instant Pot.
  • Next, bring water to a boil on your stovetop or with an electric kettle.
  • Remember, the ratio of water to rice is crucial for the cooking process, so be sure to add the right amount.
  • Once the water is boiling, carefully open the Instant Pot and pour the hot water directly over the undercooked rice.
  • Close the lid securely and select the “Pressure Cook” function.
  • Adjust the cooking time according to the instructions on your Instant Pot manual for the specific type of rice you’re using.

Let the Instant Pot work its magic, and in no time, your undercooked rice should be perfectly cooked and ready to enjoy.

Cook On High Pressure For Additional Time

If adding hot water didn’t fully fix the undercooked rice, not to worry – there’s another simple technique you can try.

  • Start by adding a little more water to the Instant Pot, ensuring the total liquid level doesn’t exceed the recommended maximum for your specific model.
  • Remember, the amount of extra water to add may vary based on the quantity of rice and the desired consistency you’re aiming for.
  • Once you’ve added the extra water, close the Instant Pot lid securely and select the “Pressure Cook” function.
  • Increase the cooking time to compensate for the undercooked rice.

A good rule of thumb is to add an additional 3-5 minutes to the original cooking time.

This extra time and moisture will help the rice absorb the liquid and cook further, resulting in a more tender and fully cooked dish.

Once the cooking cycle is complete, allow the Instant Pot to release the pressure naturally before opening the lid.

Remember, even the most experienced chefs encounter cooking blunders from time to time.

How To Adjust Cooking Time For Undercooked Rice

One way to ensure your undercooked rice cooks properly is by increasing the pressure cooking time. This allows the rice to absorb more moisture and become fully cooked.

To increase the pressure cooking time for your undercooked rice, follow these steps:

  1. First, release the pressure from the Instant Pot by carefully turning the steam release valve to the “Venting” position.
  2. Once the pressure is fully released and the float valve drops down, open the lid of the Instant Pot.
  3. Take a quick look at the rice to determine its level of doneness. If it’s significantly undercooked, proceed to the next step.
  4. Close the lid of the Instant Pot and set the cooking time to an additional 2-3 minutes. This extra cooking time will help ensure that the rice becomes fully cooked.
  5. Make sure the steam release valve is set to the “Sealing” position and start the pressure cooking cycle by pressing the appropriate button on your Instant Pot.
  6. Once the cooking time is complete, allow the Instant Pot to naturally release the pressure for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the rice to continue cooking and absorb any remaining moisture.
  7. After the natural release period, carefully turn the steam release valve to the “Venting” position to release any remaining steam.
  8. Once the float valve drops down, indicating that all the pressure has been released, open the lid of the Instant Pot and check the doneness of the rice. It should be fully cooked and fluffy.

By increasing the pressure cooking time for your undercooked rice, you can ensure that it cooks to perfection in your Instant Pot.

Remember to always check the rice’s doneness and make any necessary adjustments until it reaches the desired texture.

Allowing Natural Release

Another method to fix undercooked rice in an Instant Pot is by allowing for a natural release of pressure.

This technique can help provide additional cooking time for the rice to become fully cooked and tender.

Here’s how you can allow for a natural release of pressure:

  1. After the cooking time has completed, turn off the Instant Pot and resist the temptation to immediately release the pressure.
  2. Instead, leave the Instant Pot undisturbed and allow it to naturally release the pressure on its own. This typically takes around 10-15 minutes.
  3. During this natural release period, the rice will continue cooking and absorbing moisture, resulting in a more evenly cooked texture.
  4. Once the natural release period is over and all the pressure has been released, carefully open the lid of the Instant Pot and check the rice for doneness. It should be fully cooked and ready to enjoy.

By allowing for a natural release of pressure, you give your undercooked rice the extra time it needs to become perfectly cooked.

This simple technique can make a significant difference in the texture and taste of your rice.

Using The Sauté Function To Fix Undercooked Rice

This function allows you to cook the rice a little longer while still keeping it moist and fluffy.

In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps of using the Sauté function to fix undercooked rice, so you can enjoy perfectly cooked grains every time.

Adding Liquid And Stirring

The first step in fixing undercooked rice using the Sauté function is to add a small amount of liquid to the pot.

This can be water, broth, or any other liquid of your choice. The amount of liquid you add will depend on how undercooked your rice is, but as a general rule, you can start with about 1/4 cup of liquid for every cup of undercooked rice. Pour the liquid into the pot and stir it gently to ensure that it is evenly distributed.

Cooking On Sauté Mode

Once you have added the liquid and stirred it in, it’s time to put your Instant Pot on the Sauté mode.

This mode allows you to cook the rice at a higher temperature than the regular pressure cooking mode.

Set the Sauté mode to high and let the rice cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

Keep an eye on the rice as it cooks, and when you notice that it is no longer undercooked, you can turn off the Sauté function.

If you find that the rice is still undercooked after a few minutes of cooking on Sauté mode, you can add a little more liquid and continue cooking until it reaches your desired consistency.

Just be careful not to add too much liquid at once, as this can make the rice mushy or overcooked.

Once the rice is cooked to your liking, you can serve it immediately or keep it warm in the Instant Pot until you are ready to enjoy it.

Remember to fluff the rice with a fork before serving to separate the grains and ensure a light and fluffy texture.

Why Rice Is Undercooked In The Instant Pot? Common Mistakes

Not Enough Water

One common mistake when cooking rice in an Instant Pot is not using enough water. This can result in undercooked rice that is still hard and crunchy.

To ensure your rice cooks properly, make sure you use the correct amount of water for the type of rice you are cooking.

  • For white rice, a general rule of thumb is to use a 1:1.5 ratio of rice to water. So for every cup of rice, you should use 1.5 cups of water.
  • If you are cooking brown rice or other varieties like wild rice or basmati rice, you may need to use more water. In these cases, a 1:2 or 1:2.5 ratio of rice to water is typically recommended.

By using the correct amount of water, you can ensure that your rice cooks evenly and comes out tender and fluffy.

Using The Wrong Rice-to-water Ratio

Another common mistake when cooking rice in an Instant Pot is using the wrong rice-to-water ratio.

Using too much water can result in overcooked and mushy rice, while using too little water can lead to undercooked rice.

Refer to the specific cooking instructions for the type of rice you are using to determine the correct rice-to-water ratio.

Different types of rice may require different ratios, so it’s important to read and follow the instructions carefully.

Using the correct ratio will help ensure that your rice turns out perfectly cooked every time you use your Instant Pot.

Not Rinsing The Rice

One commonly overlooked step when cooking rice is rinsing it before cooking. Rinsing the rice helps remove excess starch and any impurities, resulting in better-tasting rice that is less likely to stick together.

To rinse the rice, simply place it in a fine-mesh strainer or colander and run cold water over it.

Use your hands to gently agitate the rice as the water flows through to ensure that all the grains are rinsed.

By taking the time to rinse your rice, you can improve its texture and flavor, and prevent it from becoming sticky or clumpy when cooked in your Instant Pot.

How to Prevent Rice From Being Undercooked In The Instant Pot?

Proper Rice-to-water Ratio

Getting the rice-to-water ratio right is crucial for perfectly cooked rice in the Instant Pot. Follow this simple rule of thumb: for every cup of rice, add one cup of water.

This ratio may vary slightly depending on the type of rice you are using, so always refer to the package instructions for the best results.

Using the appropriate amount of water ensures that the rice cooks evenly and thoroughly, eliminating the risk of undercooked grains.

Rinsing The Rice

To prevent undercooked rice, it’s important to rinse it thoroughly before cooking.

Rinsing helps remove excess starch, which can cause the grains to clump together and remain undercooked.

To rinse your rice, place it in a fine-mesh strainer and run cold water over it until the water runs clear.

This simple step takes just a few minutes and can make a big difference in the final texture of your cooked rice.

Using Pre-soaked Rice

Another effective way to prevent undercooked rice is by pre-soaking it before cooking.

Soaking the rice for at least 30 minutes or up to a few hours helps to soften the grains and ensures even cooking.

To do this, measure out the desired amount of rice and place it in a bowl. Add water to cover the rice completely and let it sit.

After soaking, drain the rice thoroughly before adding it to your Instant Pot with the appropriate amount of water.

This simple pre-soaking step will yield perfectly cooked rice with no undercooked grains.

By following these simple yet effective methods, you can prevent undercooked rice and enjoy perfectly fluffy and evenly cooked rice every time you use your Instant Pot.

Don’t let undercooked rice ruin your meal – take a few extra moments to measure the water correctly, rinse the rice, or pre-soak it, and savor the satisfaction of a delicious and perfectly cooked rice dish.

Can you Recook undercooked rice Instant Pot?

Yes, you can recook undercooked rice in the Instant Pot. If you find that your rice is undercooked in the Instant Pot, you can easily rectify the situation by adding more liquid and adjusting the cooking time.

Open the Instant Pot, add a bit more liquid (water or broth), stir the rice, and reset the Instant Pot to the appropriate cooking mode with an extended time based on the type of rice you’re using.

Allow it to pressurize and cook again, ensuring a thorough and even cooking process. This simple adjustment should help salvage your undercooked rice and give you a perfectly cooked result.

Alternative Uses For Undercooked Rice

If you’ve ever accidentally ended up with undercooked rice in your Instant Pot, don’t worry – it happens to the best of us.

Rather than tossing out this seemingly inedible batch of rice, why not consider some alternative uses for it?

Repurposing undercooked rice can save you time, money, and most importantly, reduce food waste in your kitchen.

Below, we’ll explore some creative ways to make the most of your undercooked rice.

Repurposing In Other Recipes

One of the easiest ways to salvage undercooked rice is to incorporate it into other recipes. By using it as a base for various dishes, you can add texture and substance to your meals.

Here are some ideas:

1. Stir-Fries:

Add the undercooked rice to your favorite veggie or protein stir-fry for a quick and delicious one-pan meal.

2. Soups and Stews:

Toss the undercooked rice into soups or stews during the last few minutes of cooking. The grains will absorb the flavors of the broth, resulting in a hearty and satisfying dish.

3. Rice Casseroles:

Transform your undercooked rice into a flavorful casserole by mixing it with ingredients like cheese, vegetables, and meats. Bake it in the oven until it’s golden and bubbling for a delicious and comforting meal.

4. Rice Pilaf:

Sauté some onions and garlic in a pan, then add the undercooked rice and broth. Let it simmer until the rice is fully cooked and fluffy. This simple yet flavorful dish can be served as a side or a main course.

Turning It Into A Rice Salad

If you prefer a cold dish, turning your undercooked rice into a refreshing rice salad is a wonderful option.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Cook the undercooked rice until it becomes fully cooked and tender.
  2. Let it cool down to room temperature.
  3. Add your choice of vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs like parsley or cilantro.
  4. Dress the salad with a vinaigrette or a light dressing of your choice.
  5. Toss everything together until well combined, and your rice salad is ready to be enjoyed as a side or a light meal.


Fixing undercooked rice in your Instant Pot is a simple and achievable task with a bit of patience and the right adjustments. By understanding the potential reasons for undercooking and following the steps outlined above, you can salvage your rice dish and impress your family and guests with perfectly cooked, fluffy grains every time. Happy cooking!

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