How To Make Gummies That Don’t Melt – Goodbye To Sticky

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Gummies are undeniably delightful treats loved by people of all ages. Their chewy texture, vibrant colors, and mouthwatering flavors make them an irresistible snack. 

However, one common challenge that gummy enthusiasts face is their tendency to melt, especially during warm weather. Fear not! In this guide, I’ll walk you through the secrets of making gummies that don’t melt, so you can enjoy these sweet confections without a sticky mess.

Why Is My Gummies Melting – The Reasons

If your gummies are melting, there could be several reasons behind it. Here are some of the common factors that may be causing your gummies to melt:

High Temperature

Gummies are made of gelatin, which is sensitive to heat. Exposure to high temperatures can cause them to melt and lose their shape.

Improper Storage

Leaving gummies in direct sunlight, near a heat source, or in a warm environment can accelerate the melting process.

Insufficient Gelatin Content

Not using enough gelatin in the gummy recipe can result in a softer texture, making them more prone to melting.


High humidity levels can introduce moisture into the gummies, leading to a softer consistency and potential melting.

Lack of Cornstarch or Tapioca Coating

Coating gummies with cornstarch or tapioca starch helps to reduce sticking and prevents them from melting together.

Inadequate Cooling Time

Not allowing enough time for the gummies to cool and set properly can result in a softer texture, making them more susceptible to melting.

Low Gelatin Bloom Strength

Using gelatin with a lower bloom strength may result in weaker gummies that are more likely to melt.

Overheating During Preparation

Overheating the gelatin mixture while preparing the gummies can weaken the gel structure, causing them to melt more easily.

High Water Content

Adding too much water or liquid to the gummy mixture can affect the gelatin’s ability to set properly, leading to melting.

Incorrect Ratios of Ingredients

Incorrectly proportioning the ingredients in the gummy recipe can result in an unstable gel structure, contributing to melting issues.

How To Make Gummies That Don’t Melt – Guide with Expert Tips

To make gummies that don’t melt, follow these steps and tips:


  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 1/4 cup gelatin powder (preferably high-quality, with a high bloom strength)
  • 1/4 cup corn syrup or honey (for sweetness and to prevent crystallization)
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid (for tartness and preservation)
  • 1/2 teaspoon flavor extract or oil of your choice
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Cornstarch or tapioca starch (for coating)


Prepare the Molds: Lightly grease silicone gummy molds or a baking dish with cooking spray to prevent sticking. If using silicone molds, place them on a baking sheet for stability.

Bloom the Gelatin: In a small bowl, add cold water and sprinkle the gelatin powder over it. Let it sit for a few minutes to bloom and absorb the water.

Heat the Mixture: In a saucepan over low heat, warm the bloomed gelatin, corn syrup (or honey), and citric acid. Stir gently until the gelatin completely dissolves, but avoid boiling.

Add Flavor and Color: Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the flavor extract or oil and food coloring (if using). Adjust the flavor and color according to your preference.

Pour into Molds: Carefully pour the mixture into the prepared molds, using a dropper or a small pitcher for precision.

Cool and Set: Allow the gummies to cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Then, refrigerate them for 1-2 hours or until fully set.

Coat the Gummies: Once the gummies are set, remove them from the molds and lightly coat them in cornstarch or tapioca starch to prevent sticking and melting.

Store Properly: Store the gummies in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Tips to Prevent Melting:

  • Use a high-quality gelatin with a higher bloom strength for better stability.
  • Avoid using too much water or liquid in the recipe, as it can make the gummies softer and more prone to melting.
  • If using fruit juice for flavoring, reduce the amount to minimize the water content.
  • Adding a small amount of citric acid helps preserve the gummies and provides a tangy taste.
  • Coating the gummies with cornstarch or tapioca starch reduces sticking and prevents them from melting together.
  • By following these steps and tips, you can create gummies that resist melting, ensuring you can enjoy them without worrying about a sticky mess.

How Do You Harden Homemade Gummies?

To harden homemade gummies and give them a firmer texture, follow these steps:

Increase Gelatin Content

Gelatin is the primary ingredient responsible for the firmness of gummies. To make them harder, increase the amount of gelatin in your recipe. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as too much gelatin can make the gummies too tough or rubbery.

Reduce Liquid Content

If your gummy mixture has too much liquid, it can result in softer gummies. Try reducing the amount of water or other liquids in the recipe to achieve a firmer texture.

Use Agar-Agar

Instead of or in addition to gelatin, you can use agar-agar, a plant-based alternative, to achieve a firmer texture. Follow the instructions on the agar-agar package for proper usage.

Increase Cooling and Setting Time

Allow the gummy mixture more time to cool and set. After pouring the mixture into molds, let it sit at room temperature for a longer period or refrigerate it for an extended time to ensure a firmer texture.

Chill in the Freezer

After the gummies have set in the refrigerator, you can place them in the freezer for a short time. Freezing helps solidify the gummies and makes them firmer.

Adjust Sugar Content

The amount of sugar in your gummy recipe can affect the texture. Increasing the sugar slightly can help create a harder gummy, as sugar acts as a stabilizer.

Coating with Cornstarch or Tapioca Starch

After removing the gummies from the molds, lightly coat them with cornstarch or tapioca starch. This helps reduce stickiness and can add a firmer outer layer.

Experiment with Pectin

Pectin, commonly used in jam and jelly making, can be used as a gelling agent for gummies. Experiment with pectin to find the right consistency for your desired firmness.

Remember to strike a balance when making adjustments to the recipe. It may take a few attempts to find the perfect combination of ingredients and methods to achieve the ideal texture for your homemade gummies.

How Do You Make Gummies Last Longer?

To make gummies last longer and maintain their freshness, follow these tips:

Proper Storage: Store your gummies in an airtight container or resealable bag to prevent air exposure, which can lead to staleness. Keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Use Quality Ingredients: Start with high-quality ingredients, such as fresh fruit juices, high-grade gelatin, and pure flavor extracts. Quality ingredients can contribute to the overall longevity of the gummies.

Add Preservatives: Consider using natural preservatives, like citric acid or vitamin C, which can help extend the shelf life of your gummies without compromising their taste.

Refrigeration: If your gummies have a higher water content or perishable ingredients, it’s best to store them in the refrigerator. The cooler temperature slows down the growth of microorganisms and helps preserve the gummies for a more extended period.

Freezing: If you want to store gummies for an extended period, freezing them can be a viable option. Place the gummies in an airtight container or freezer bags, removing as much air as possible before sealing. Frozen gummies can last for several months.

Vacuum Sealing: If you have access to a vacuum sealer, use it to remove air from the gummy packaging, which helps prevent staleness and prolongs their shelf life.

Avoid Moisture: Moisture can cause gummies to become sticky and lose their texture. Be cautious about placing gummies near items with high moisture content or in humid environments.

Rotate Stock: If you frequently make gummies, practice the “first in, first out” rule, consuming the oldest batches first to ensure they stay fresh.

Use Anti-Stick Coating: Dusting gummies with cornstarch or tapioca starch can help prevent sticking and clumping, preserving their individual shapes and texture.

Keep Away from Odors: Gummies can absorb odors from other foods, affecting their taste. Store them away from strongly scented items to maintain their original flavors.

By following these tips, you can extend the shelf life of your homemade gummies and continue enjoying their deliciousness for a longer time. Always check for any signs of spoilage before consuming gummies that have been stored for an extended period.

What Makes Gummies Solid?

Gummies achieve their solid texture primarily due to the presence of gelatin. Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, which is found in animal connective tissues. 

When gelatin is mixed with water or other liquids and then cooled, it forms a gel-like substance, giving gummies their characteristic chewy and solid consistency.

The process of gummy making involves dissolving gelatin in hot liquid (usually water or fruit juice) and then allowing the mixture to cool and set. 

As the mixture cools, the gelatin molecules bond together to create a three-dimensional network, trapping the liquid within. This network structure provides the gummies with their firmness and shape.

The gelatin molecules are capable of absorbing and holding water, which contributes to the gummies’ chewy texture. Additionally, the amount of gelatin used and the cooling and setting times affect the final texture of the gummies. 

Adjusting these factors allows for variations in the firmness and chewiness of the finished gummy product.

Do Gummies Melt Easily?

Gummies can melt relatively easily compared to other types of candies, especially when exposed to heat or warm temperatures. The primary reason for their susceptibility to melting is their main ingredient, gelatin.

Gelatin, which is responsible for the gummies’ chewy and solid texture, has a relatively low melting point. When exposed to temperatures above its melting point (around 95°F or 35°C), gelatin begins to soften and eventually liquefy. As a result, gummies can lose their shape, become sticky, and fuse together in higher temperatures.

Factors such as the specific recipe, the amount and type of gelatin used, and the presence of other ingredients can also influence how easily gummies melt. Additionally, high humidity can introduce moisture into gummies, further softening their texture and making them more susceptible to melting.

How Long Does It Take For Gummies To Solidify?

The time it takes for gummies to solidify or set can vary depending on the specific recipe, the amount of gelatin used, the cooling environment, and the desired firmness of the gummies. Generally, gummies can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours to solidify.

Here’s a general timeline for the solidification process of gummies:

Initial Cooling: After pouring the gummy mixture into molds, it typically starts to cool and set at room temperature within 10 to 20 minutes.

Partial Setting: After around 30 minutes, the gummies might be partially set, but they might still be slightly soft and delicate.

Refrigeration: To achieve a firmer and more solid texture, it’s common to refrigerate the gummies for an additional 1 to 2 hours. This cooling period allows the gelatin molecules to fully bond and form a stable gel network.

Complete Solidification: After the refrigeration period, the gummies should be fully solidified and ready to be removed from the molds.

The time needed for solidification can vary based on factors such as the ambient temperature and humidity, the size and thickness of the gummies, and the specific ingredients used in the recipe. 

It’s essential to follow the recipe instructions carefully and be patient during the cooling process to achieve the desired texture and consistency of the gummies.


Creating gummies that don’t melt is indeed an achievable feat with the right techniques and attention to detail. By using high-quality ingredients, finding the perfect gelatin-to-liquid ratio, gradually cooling the mixture, and adding an anti-stick coating, you’ll be crafting heat-resistant delights in no time. Embrace the art of gummy making and enjoy your sweet, chewy treats without any worries about the scorching summer heat! 

Happy gummy crafting!

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