White Spots On Mandarin Oranges – What Should I Do?

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Mandarin oranges are a beloved citrus delight, cherished for their sweet and tangy flavor. However, every now and then, you might come across mandarin oranges with peculiar white spots on their peel. These spots can be perplexing, leaving you with questions about their origin, reasons, safety, and how to handle them.

In this comprehensive blog post, I will embark on a journey to unravel the mystery of white spots on mandarin oranges.

What are the white spots on mandarin oranges?

The white spots on mandarin oranges are typically pitting or scarring on the fruit’s skin. These spots are often a natural occurrence and can be caused by various factors, including environmental conditions, handling during harvesting and transportation, or even insect damage. 

Don’t fret! Because they do not necessarily indicate that the oranges are spoiled or unsafe to eat. In most cases, you can simply peel the mandarin to remove the spotted skin, and the fruit inside should still be perfectly fine and delicious to consume.

Why There are white spots on my mandarin oranges?

White spots on mandarin oranges can occur for several reasons:

Environmental Factors: Weather conditions, such as hail, heavy rain, or extreme temperatures, can cause damage to the fruit’s skin, leading to the formation of white spots.

Insect Damage: Some insects may feed on the surface of mandarin oranges, causing small white spots where they have punctured the skin.

Handling and Transportation: Rough handling during harvesting and transportation can cause abrasions and white spots on the fruit’s skin.

Fungal or Mold Growth: In some cases, white spots may indicate the presence of mold or fungal growth on the skin, especially if the fruit has been stored in damp or humid conditions for an extended period.

Chemical Residues: If pesticides or chemicals were used in the orchard, residues may create white spots on the fruit’s surface.

White spots on mandarin oranges – What should I do now? 

White spots on mandarin oranges are often superficial and if you have any doubts about the safety or quality of the fruit, you can following these steps:

  • To assess white spots on mandarin oranges, inspect them closely. If the spots are minor and limited to the peel, the fruit inside is likely safe to eat.
  • Rinse the mandarins under running water to remove dirt. Gently scrub with a soft brush if needed.
  • If white spots are mainly on the peel and the fruit inside is healthy, peel the oranges as usual, discarding the spotted peel.
  • Be cautious if the white spots look like mold; discard such oranges, as moldy fruit isn’t safe to eat.
  • Store remaining mandarin oranges in the fridge to prolong freshness and quality.
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How to remove white spots from mandarin oranges?

So, now you know that these white spots are nothing to be worried about. Still, if you  want to remove them, then you can follow these steps:

Wash the Oranges: Start by washing the mandarin oranges thoroughly under running water. This will help remove any dirt or contaminants on the surface.

Use a Soft Brush: If the white spots are stubborn or have adhered to the peel, you can use a soft brush, such as a vegetable brush or a toothbrush, to gently scrub the affected areas. 

Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as you don’t want to damage the fruit inside.

Peel the Oranges: The most effective way to remove white spots is by peeling the mandarin oranges. Use your fingers or a knife to carefully peel away the spotted skin. Start at the top and work your way down, ensuring you remove all the affected areas.

Check the Fruit: After peeling, inspect the fruit to make sure there are no residual white spots or signs of mold. If the fruit inside looks healthy and smells fresh, it should be safe to eat.

By peeling or gently scrubbing the oranges, you can remove the spots and still enjoy the sweet and juicy fruit inside.

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Is it safe to eat if there are white spots on mandarin oranges?

Yes, it is safe to eat mandarin oranges if there are white spots on the peel. However, if you notice any signs of mold on the fruit inside, it’s best to discard those mandarin oranges, as moldy or spoiled fruit may not be safe to eat.

Are there any health risks from white spots of mandarin oranges? 

In general, there are no significant health risks associated with consuming mandarin oranges that have white spots on the peel. 

Exercise caution and judgment when assessing fruit with white spots. If the spots look moldy or the fruit inside is compromised, discard those mandarin oranges, as mold or spoilage can pose health risks.

Are mandarin oranges supposed to have white spots?

Mandarin oranges should ideally have a smooth, blemish-free peel, but white spots can sometimes occur due to some factors I have mentioned earlier. .

But remember that minor peel imperfections are common, but excessive white spots may indicate poor quality or mishandling.

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Do different mandarin orange varieties exhibit white spots differently?

The presence and appearance of white spots on mandarin oranges can vary among different mandarin orange varieties. Factors such as the thickness of the peel, the susceptibility to scarring, and the overall appearance of the fruit can influence how white spots manifest.

Some mandarin orange varieties may be more prone to developing white spots due to thinner or more delicate peels, which can be easily scarred during growth or handling. 

In contrast, other varieties may have thicker, more resilient peels that are less likely to exhibit white spots.

The color, size, and distribution of white spots can also differ from one mandarin variety to another. Some varieties may have more prominent or larger white spots, while others may have minimal or hardly visible ones.

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Do white spots on mandarin oranges affect their taste or texture?

White spots on mandarin oranges generally do not affect their taste or texture significantly. These spots are typically cosmetic imperfections on the peel and do not penetrate the fruit’s flesh. 

As a result, the juicy and sweet fruit inside should remain unaffected by the presence of white spots.

You can simply peel or cut away the spotted skin, and the mandarin orange should taste just as delicious and have the same texture as one without white spots.

Are there any nutritional differences between mandarins with and without white spots?

There are typically no significant nutritional differences between mandarins with and without white spots on the peel. 

Mandarin oranges are a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, and various antioxidants, regardless of the appearance of the peel. 

The primary factors that influence the nutritional content of mandarins are their variety, ripeness, and how they were grown and harvested.

While the white spots may affect the visual appeal of the fruit, they generally do not impact its nutritional value or health benefits. 

So, You can confidently enjoy mandarins with white spots, knowing that you are still getting their full nutritional benefits.

How should I store mandarin oranges to prevent white spots?

To prevent white spots on mandarin oranges, you should follow proper storage practices:

Choose Fresh Oranges: Start with fresh mandarin oranges. Inspect them before purchase to ensure they have smooth, blemish-free peels, which can help reduce the likelihood of white spots.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Store mandarin oranges in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. A pantry or a cool room is ideal for short-term storage.

Ventilation: Ensure good air circulation around the oranges. Use a perforated plastic bag or a mesh produce bag to allow air to flow around the fruit while keeping them together.

Avoid Moisture: Moisture can encourage the growth of mold or fungal spores, which can lead to white spots. Make sure the storage area is dry, and don’t store the fruit near damp or wet items.

Refrigeration: For longer-term storage, consider placing mandarin oranges in the refrigerator. Keep them in the crisper drawer, which maintains humidity levels suitable for citrus fruits.

Separate from Other Produce: Keep mandarins separate from other fruits and vegetables, especially those that release ethylene gas, as it can accelerate the ripening process and potentially lead to white spots.

Inspect Regularly: Periodically check your stored mandarins for signs of spoilage, mold, or white spots. Remove any affected fruits promptly to prevent them from affecting others.

Remember that while these storage practices can help minimize the risk of white spots, some factors, like environmental conditions during growth and transportation, may still contribute to the formation of white spots on mandarin oranges.

Can I use mandarin oranges with white spots in cooking or baking?

baking orange recipie

Yes, you can certainly use mandarin oranges with white spots in cooking or baking. Mandarin oranges can add a delightful citrus flavor and sweetness to various dishes, including salads, desserts, sauces, and baked goods. 

When you cook or bake with mandarins, you often peel or section the fruit, which means you’ll remove the spotted peel anyway. Once you’ve removed the peel, the fruit inside should be perfectly fine for use in recipes

Just be sure to assess the internal fruit’s condition for freshness and quality, and if it looks and smells good, you can use it in your recipes without any issues related to the white spots on the peel.

To ensure the best quality, it’s a good practice to consume mandarin oranges within a reasonable time after purchase and store them in suitable conditions to prevent any unintended changes in their appearance or texture.


In conclusion, white spots on mandarin oranges, though initially perplexing, are typically harmless and unrelated to the fruit’s internal quality. By following the guidelines provided in this blog post, you can confidently savor these delicious citrus gems without worrying about the appearance of their peel.

The next time you encounter mandarin oranges with white spots, remember that the sweet and juicy goodness inside is what truly matters.




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